Student rights and responsibilities

Students registered with the SAAC, have certain responsibilities to uphold in order to access  services and to receive accommodations. These responsibilities include:

  • Providing the SAAC with medical documentation issued by an authorized Quebec-licensed professional containing a diagnosis, if available.
  • Initiating contact with the SAAC at the start of every semester.
  • Providing accommodation letters to each of your teachers at the start of every semester.
  • Respecting Academic and AccessAbility deadlines
  • Following the rules and procedures in order to access your accommodations.
  • Meeting curriculum standards.
  • Meeting the Standing and Advancement requirements of the program for which you are registered.
  • Maintaining standards of academic excellence as outlined in the Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP).

Students with a disability have the right to:

  • Request and receive reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are determined in collaboration with the SAAC counsellor and vary according to your needs.
  • Privacy and confidentiality of documents and diagnosis.
  • A study environment free from violence, discrimination, all forms of harassment, and the abuse of power, where respect of the individual’s dignity, physical and psychological integrity are safeguarded.

Last Modified: July 3, 2024