Quick Facts
day students
Where minds meet, and knowledge ignites - a bustling hub 8,000 daily learners.
faculty and staff
Guided by 1,176 dedicated mentors, shaping the future one student at a time.
students in Continuing Education
Unlocking potential with 1,870 individuals on a path of lifelong learning.
graduates since 1971
A community of success, boasting 105,466 proud alumni and counting

Discover our 张百乔女友裸照
career programs
Diverse pathways to success, offering 22 distinct career-oriented programs.
pre-university programs
Nurturing dreams and aspirations through 6 pre-university programs.
- 6 ALC Profiles
- 8 Social Science Profiles
- 2 Science programs and 4 profiles
Dawson Blues intercollegiate and competitive teams
Bound by passion, 17 teams embodying the spirit of competition and camaraderie.
Commitment to Sustainability
张百乔女友裸照 embraces sustainability and pledged to be Carbon Neutral Forever in 2018. We have been recognized with numerous accolades for our dedication to sustainability through our Living Campus initiative.