History of Dawson’s Theatre

The Professional Theatre program of ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ was established in 1973 under the leadership of Bertrand A. Henry and Victor Knight and was offered at the Viger campus.
In 1974, the Vendôme Theatre was acquired as a rental facility and became the central physical plant of the program. Renamed the Dome Theatre, it was the location at which all of the program’s productions (3rd year majors and 2nd year studios) were presented until 2007.
In 2000, then Director General Patrick Woodsworth and Pierre Beaulieu, Director of Plant and Facilities, presented Dawson’s first feasibility study for Phase V – the theatre extension. Dawson’s initial proposal design with 183 seats in an Elizabeth style. The design won Ministry of Culture approval in November 2003.Construction began in the spring of 2006.
The Professional Theatre program of ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ attracts a student population of rich ethnic and racial diversity from all across Quebec. Our theatre program is often the first place that offers our young students the opportunity to see a live performance of a stage play in a real working theatre. After three years of training, these same students go out into the world to become contributors to the rich fabric of the performing arts in this province and country.
Often our productions provide the only opportunity for general audiences to see classics in live performances. Regularly our matinees are sold out to local high school audiences. The Professional Theatre program at ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ has become a fixture in the lives of hundreds of people, young and old, and Dawson’s new theatre will usher in a whole new era in the educational and cultural life of Montreal. Studio Productions are performed by students in their 2nd year of the Program. Major Productions are performed by students in their 3rd and final year of the Program.
Address: 2000 Atwater St. (Atwater Metro, Main Campus)
Reservations: 514 931-5000