Playwright: William IngeDirector: Winston Sutton
Student Groups: Year Two, Group Two
PICNIC. The action takes place in the joint back yards of two middle-aged, small town women, both long since deserted by their husbands. One has an invalid mother, and the other two maturing daughters, and a boarder who is a spinster school teacher. Into this congested female atmosphere there comes a young man of neither polish nor promise, whose animal vitality seriously upsets the entire group. The visitor is a most interesting character, child of parents who ignored him, self-conscious of his failings. The mother is sensitively wary of temptations for her children. One daughter, bored with being only a beauty, sacrifices her chances for a wealthy marriage for the excitement the visitor promises and is stirred to make an issue out of the uncertain courtship that has brightened her life in a dreary, minor way.
- Wednesday, March 6th - Saturday, March 9th, 2019
Helen Potts
Madge Owens
Millie Owens
Flo Owens
Millie Owens
Irma Kronkite, Christine Schoenwalder
Irma Kronkite, Christine Schoenwalder
Howard Bevans
Rosemary Sydney