Photo credit: Jacee Juhasz;ŰŮ Home Coming 2023-69

Good times and happy reunions at first Homecoming


“I met my best friend at Dawson and we came together.”

“Dawson made such an impact on me during my first years in Canada; I had to come.”

“There is just something special about the Dawson community and I had to come back and be part of it again.”

These were the sorts of comments we heard from graduates, retirees, employees and even current students who attended Dawson’s first-ever Homecoming on Sept. 23.

Hover over a photo to read the caption.

Blue met up with current, retired and future employees of Dawson. Photo credit: Jacee Juhasz

“We launched the invitation widely and had no idea how many people would respond,” said Megan Ainscow (Class of 2006, Liberal Arts) of the Organizing Committee. “We are very moved by the response! Homecoming 2023 was the test run, the first time ever, and we will learn from it and make it even better next time. We are considering when we can hold the next Dawson Homecoming, possibly in 2025.”

About 800 people attended Homecoming this year. Some came for part of the day and others for the whole program, which began with lunch at 12 PM, continued with tours and activities, program/profile reunions and Dawson Blues basketball games.

A highlight for many were the program and profile reunions. 3D and CGI faculty member Raymon Fong wrote: “Wanted to just congratulate you on the first Dawson homecoming, I was impressed at how many graduates showed up for 3D Animation. It was a very heartwarming and beautiful event! Everyone is already saying they can’t wait for next year!!!”

The Liberal Arts Reunion brought together different generations. Photo credit: Jacee Juhasz

After the reunions, guests headed to 3C.1 for an evening cocktail reception that spilled outside into the courtyard on the perfect-weather night. An estimated 400 people gathered, chatted and partied for the last part of Homecoming.

Former Dawson student and professional photographer Jacee Juhasz was on duty to capture all the smiles and emotions.

Special thanks to the Homecoming Organizing Committee, the staff who worked on a Saturday to make it happen, the teachers who hosted reunions and our event sponsors: the Burgundy Lion Group, Shaughnessy Café and Chartwells Canada.

Scroll down for a selection of photos. You can also .

Stay tuned for a souvenir video!

Physiotherapy faculty enjoyed showing their new equipment to grads at their reunion. Photo credit: Jacee Juhasz
Some older grads were touring Dawson for the first time since back in the day they attended Dawson at a different campus. Living Campus and Active Learning tours were offered. Photo credit: Jacee Juhasz
Emery Lewis, Michelle Lee of Campus Life and her son, Reece Warren, all CRLT grads/students at the CRLT Reunion.
Happy grads working in their field came to the Biomedical Laboratory Technology Reunion.
North-South Studies grads and faculty gathered for their reunion after coming back from a demonstration! The grads learned about the new re-branded Social Change and Solidarity Profile. Photo credit: Jacee Juhasz
The Professional and Commercial Photography ŰŮ Reunion was very well attended and featured a panel discussion. Photo credit: Jacee Juhasz
Pierre Beaulieu, who worked on the enormous project of renovating the current building to fit the needs of a college from 1982-2007, dropped by Homecoming and was greeted by Trudy Ste. Croix and Kamila Narrainen of Student Services.
John Davidson, retired from Athletics and spending more time on his art these days, checked out the stained glass sign he made for Continuing Education and Community Services some years ago. With him is Maeve Muldowney, Dean of CECS.

Make sure you get Dawson news and invitations: Dawson’s newsletter goes out to graduates from 2016 and afterwards, current employees, retirees and those who sign up for Dawson news. If you would like to get Dawson news a few times a year and make sure you are on the invitation list for the next Homecoming, please fill out the form on this page: /alumni/

Last Modified: October 4, 2023