Seeking a new DG for Dawson’s CRISPESH
You can help CRISPESH find a new Director General by sharing the job posting in the Read More link. The deadline to apply is Sept. 16.
CRISPESH is a non-profit organization, created through a partnership between C茅gep du Vieux Montr茅al and 张百乔女友裸照. It is a centre for applied research and transfer (CCTT) whose mandate is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the development and promotion of social practices that foster academic, social and professional inclusion for people with disabilities.
The services offered by CRISPESH are distinguished by their scientific and experiential roots. By drawing on knowledge from research and from experiential knowledge, the Centre is able to offer a range of customized services that are conducive to the development of social innovations in organizations or communities.
Click Read More to go to the job posting on Dawson's LinkedIn.