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C’est bientôt la Francofête à Dawson !

February 14th, 2025

Venez célébrer la richesse de la langue française et des cultures francophones lors de la Francofête ! Du 24 au 27 mars 2025, découvrez un programme varié : spectacles, ateliers, conférences, projections de films, jeux et concours.

Assistez à Mythomane, un spectacle unique alliant conte et mythologie grecque présenté par Thomas Hellman, laissez-vous emporter par la voix lumineuse de la soprano Aneska Diament lors du récital de mélodies françaises, dégustez de la tire d’érable au Oliver’s et testez vos talents lors de la soirée micro-ouvert où vous pourrez livrer une performance de slam, de musique, de poésie ou d’humour.


Pour vous inscrire à une activité, merci de remplir le formulaire suivant : .

Si vous avez des questions, merci de les adresser à Emma Gauthier-Mamaril (egauthier-mamaril@dawsoncollege.qc.ca)

Programme : 2025_Programme de la Francofête_circulation générale

Two extraordinary Dawson students are finalists for the Loran Award

February 14th, 2025

Two exceptional Dawson students will be in Toronto Feb. 21-23 for the final part of the selection process for the Loran Award, the country’s largest and most comprehensive four-year undergraduate award, valued at $100,000.

Ahmad Mousattat, a student in Enriched Health Science, and Leila Pozzi, a student in the Social Change and Solidarity profile of Social Science, are winners already. All finalists who are not selected are eligible to receive a one-time $6,000 Loran Finalist Award tenable at any Canadian university. Ahmad and Leila were chosen based on criteria that goes beyond good grades. Finalists have “a guiding sense of purpose” and “demonstrate strength of character, a deep commitment to service, and exceptional leadership potential,” according to the Loran Foundation.

Those selected as Loran Scholars will benefit from a four-year leadership-enrichment program, financial support for undergraduate studies in the form of a tuition waiver and living stipend, diverse opportunities for experiential learning, one-on-one mentorship from a business or community leader, scholar gatherings, and a long-term community of peers, alumni, and supporters. The 2025 Loran Scholars announcement will be in March.

The Communications Office interviewed Ahmad and Leila. Visit the link to read the Q & A.

Dawson in 30 seconds reel

February 12th, 2025

Last week Dawson students Garrett Loewen (Nursing), Mahshid Anvari (Commerce profile of Social Science), Nathan Bellemare Smallhorn (CRLT) and Dylan Bielinski-Regan (CRLT) gave their time to collaborate with the Fédération des cégeps on a short video.

The fast-paced video is a mini tour of Dawson and was published on Instagram on the le cégep account.

(Pictured Mahshid Anvari in a frame from the video)

Visit the link to view the video.

Fédération des cégeps highlight mental health support at Dawson

February 11th, 2025

The new president of the Fédération des cégeps, Marie Montpetit, visited Dawson Feb. 3. The association that represents Quebec’s public CEGEPs used the opportunity to comment about the importance of mental health in higher education and the need to invest in it.

The Fédération issued a news release on the same day and highlighted some examples of how Dawson, which it described as “distinguishing itself with its holistic vision of well-being,” is responding to the heightened anxiety in students.

Visit the link to read the news release (in French only).

Photo courtesy of the Fédération des cégeps. Pictured, left to right, Director General Diane Gauvin, Jenn de Vera of the Office of Sustainability and Marie Montpetit of the Fédération de cégeps. 

Read more about: 1961 view of Dawson site

1961 view of Dawson site

January 30th, 2025

A 1961 photo of the Dawson site from the Archives of the City of Montreal was circulating on social media sites at the end of last year. In case you missed it, here it is.

Visit the link to view a larger copy of the photo.

Black History Month at Dawson

January 30th, 2025

Dawson has a Black History Month coordinating committee that is hard at work. The committee members are: Melaine Campbell, Rhea Gurnagul, Christine Layne, Ashley Northfleet, Simeon Pompey, Kayla Smith and Trudy Ste. Croix.

Some events are scheduled and others are still being developed.

Coming up:

  • The Dawson Student Union is working with the Legacy student club to put together a BHM banner that will be hung the week of Feb. 3.
  • Khan Bouba-Dalambaye will give a talk entitled Sense of Belonging & Code Switching on Feb. 4 at 10 AM in 5B.16 as part of Social Science week.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 12: Black vendors market in the Lower Atrium hosted by DSU, Legacy and Campus Life
  • Thursday, Feb. 20: Caribbean Day will feature Caribbean food for sale to celebrate Black history and to raise funds for the volleyball team.

More events will be announced soon. Check upcoming D Announcements, screens and D News for more.

David Oliver recipient Zye Mayo featured in local newspaper

December 5th, 2024

This year's David Oliver Award recipient Zye Mayo was featured in The Eastern Door newspaper.

The award is presented to a student who shows great promise in leadership through their involvement in extracurricular activities. This award is offered by the Association of Dawson Professionals in memory of David Oliver, who was a beloved member of the Student Services staff.

Zye, a student in Social Change and Solidarity, was nominated by his former teacher, Anjali Choksi, Co-Coordinator of the Journeys program.

Photo: Zye Mayo (tallest person in the back row) with family at the Fall Awards Night on Nov. 27. Photo by Jacee Juhasz.

Visit the link to read the feature story about Zye.

Read more about: White Ribbon Campaign Dec. 2-6

White Ribbon Campaign Dec. 2-6

November 20th, 2024

The White Ribbon Campaign is a global movement of men and boys working to end male violence against women and girls. It was formed by a group of pro-feminist men in Toronto, Ontario, in November 1991 as a response to the École Polytechnique massacre of female students in 1989. The campaign’s mission is to raise…

Close to 40 CEGEP Board chairs sign open letter to Premier

November 20th, 2024

Close to 40 Board chairs of CEGEPs across Quebec signed a letter dated Nov. 18 to Premier François Legault.

You can read the letter and see the signatories, including Sean Smith, Chair of Dawson's Board of Governors:



MRT Week at Dawson

November 20th, 2024

The Diagnostic Imaging Technology Program at ŰŮ celebrated MRT (Medical Radiation Technologists) Week by having third-year students promote the profession on Nov. 7 in the Lower Atrium.

“The students invested significant time in creating posters and PowerPoint presentations with audio-visual elements related to emerging technologies, as well as trivia games like fun facts and Jeopardy, while engaging the Dawson community to participate and raise awareness about the profession,” reported Heidi Gumbley, Co-Program Coordinator/ Chair of Dawson’s Diagnostic Imaging Technology Department.

“The students need to meet competencies that promote the profession and healthcare system, while also educating fellow students, peers, patients, and the public about their field,” she said.

“The greatest impact observed was the enthusiasm and passion exhibited by the students for their profession. They effectively communicated to the public that Medical Imaging is an integral part of the medical field. The Diagnostic Imaging department is proud of its future graduates.”

A total of 21 students led the activity and hundreds of fellow students and Dawson staff participated.

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Last Modified: February 14, 2025


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