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LC Project Development: Strategic Planning W19

February 27th, 2019

Work is underway this winter on a new 5-year plan for developments in the Learning Communities project.聽 A faculty task force with representation from Science, Social Science and Certificates/Special Areas of Study is examining how to build on the successes of the聽 interdisciplinary team-taught courses launched over 2016-2018 in the 3-year pilot phase of the…

Call for Participants – Learning Community Project Development Winter 2019

November 26th, 2018

With the completion of the Fall 2018 semester, Learning Communities will enter a new phase of planning for the future.聽 With the completion of the 2015-2018 start-up period of course development, the 2018-19 academic year sees 24 interdisciplinary courses on offer.聽 These courses have been developed and launched in two programs (Science and Social Science);…

Fall 2018 Learning Community Courses

November 26th, 2018

This fall, 18 different courses are running under the banner of the Learning Communities project.聽 To find out how integrative learning is progressing across the disciplines, read on for an update on from the teachers. First-time LC offerings include: Carl Saucier-Bouffard – “Business Ethics and the Triple Bottom Line” – Humanities Ethics The goal of聽…

Designing Assignments for Integrative Learning

May 10th, 2016

As the winter term comes to an end, the LC teams have been designing integrative assignments for their paired courses.聽 While each individual course still proceeds via its own sequence of learning activities and assignments, at the centre of the paired course endeavour is a shared assignment that is introduced and worked on in both…

October 8, 2015 – Wicked Problems and Integrative Learning

October 12th, 2015

The meeting of October 8 examined attempts by Dawson faculty to put wicked problems at the centre of course work, and also the obstacles to designing truly interdisciplinary and integrative learning experiences.聽 Carl Saucier-Bouffard and Geoffrey Pearce talked about a Reflections & Environmental Studies field trip to the oil refinery district in Montreal-Est.聽 Participating on…

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Last Modified: February 27, 2019


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