College Policies


  • College policy on academic integrity, adopted by the Board of Governors on April 16, 2012.
  • The purpose of this policy is to ensure safety to patients, students, and employees through compliance with government protocols regarding immunizations (vaccinations).
  • College policy on the regular evaluation of programs of study, adopted by the Board of Governors on June 5, 2019.
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    Politique du Collège sur l'évaluation régulière des programmes d'études, adoptée par le Conseil d'administration le 5 juin 2019.
  • ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ is committed to maintaining standards of academic excellence and promoting equitable and effective evaluation of student learning. The Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP) outlines the roles and responsibilities of students, teachers and administrators with regard to student evaluation, and sets out the rules about assessment, grades and academic standing.
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    Le Collège Dawson s'engage à maintenir des normes d'excellence académique et à promouvoir une évaluation équitable et efficace de l'apprentissage des étudiants. La politique institutionnelle d’évaluation des apprentissages (PIEA) décrit les rôles et responsabilités des étudiants, des enseignants et des administrateurs en ce qui concerne l'évaluation des étudiants, et définit les règles concernant l'évaluation, les notes et le classement académique.
  • Policy on the management of programs of study.

Academic Dean

Corporate Affairs

  • This policy establish the rules of ethics and professional conduct governing the members of the Board of Governors of the College.
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  • The confidentiality policy has been put in place to ensure that the personal information collected on its website remains confidential.
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    La politique de confidentialité est mise en place afin d’assurer la préservation de la confidentialité des renseignements personnels collectés sur son site Internet.
  • This policy is to set a framework under which College employees and members of the Board of Governors may operate while avoiding situations that may constitute a conflict of interest or nepotism.
  • This policy is to assign names in the college in honor of persons or organizations and to make recommendations regarding those proposals to the Board of Governors.
  • In compliance with the directive from the Treasury Board, and in conjunction with Bylaw 10, this document establishes the rules for the management of contracts entered into by the College

Director General

  • Everyone who comes to work, attends class or visits the College campus has a right to not only a safe and healthy environment, but to be treated with respect and civility. These principles are the basis of Dawson's Code of Conduct Policy that applies to the entire Dawson Community, including students, employees, as well as visitors and contractors who come to the College.
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    Toute personne qui vient travailler, assiste à des cours ou visite le campus du Collège a droit non seulement à un environnement sûr et sain, mais aussi à être traitée avec respect et courtoisie. Ces principes constituent la base de la politique du code de conduite de Dawson qui s'applique à l'ensemble de la communauté de Dawson, y compris les étudiants, les employés ainsi que les visiteurs et les entrepreneurs qui viennent au Collège.
  • The Communications Policy provides a framework to control the quality and uniformity of the College’s image and reputation in both internal and external communications, ensuring they meet the goals of Dawson’s strategic priorities.
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    La Politique de communication fournit un cadre pour contrôler la qualité et l’uniformité de l’image et de la réputation du Collège dans les communications internes et externes, et assure qu’elles répondent aux objectifs des priorités stratégiques du Collège Dawson.
  • This policy defines a systematic approach to manage the risks that could affect the College.
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    La présente politique définit une approche systématique de la gestion des risques susceptibles de toucher le Cégep.
  • The purpose of this policy is to inform the ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ Community of the fundraising guidelines.

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    Le but de la présente politique est d’informer la communauté du Collège Dawson des lignes directrices en matière de collecte de fonds.

  • This framework policy ensures that adequate measures are in place to guarantee confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.
  • The purpose of this institutional policy is to demonstrate ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ’s commitment to ensuring a healthy, safe, and caring environment that is conducive to thriving mental health for all the members of the College community. It recognizes the importance of community-wide collaboration in supporting mental health, which involves the participation and commitment of all stakeholders, through both personal and collective accountability.
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    L’objet de cette politique institutionnelle est de démontrer l’engagement du Collège Dawson à garantir un environnement sain, sûr et bienveillant, propice à une santé mentale florissante pour tous les membres de la communauté du Collège. Elle reconnaît l’importance d’une collaboration à l’échelle de la communauté pour soutenir la santé mentale, ce qui implique la participation et l’engagement de toutes les parties prenantes, par le biais d’une responsabilité personnelle et collective.
  • Recognizing that increasing numbers of students are involved in off-campus activities, the College wishes to encourage those activities and ensure that they are conducted in the safest possible manner. To that end,  the College has adopted an institutional policy that will regulate all college-sponsored off-campus activities involving students.
  • This policy addresses the health issues posed by the incidence of smoking among young adults and by the exposure to tobacco smoke of smokers and non-smokers alike. To that end, the College will create a smoke-free environment on its entire campus and during academic activities that occur off the campus.
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    La présente politique aborde les problèmes de santé posés par l'incidence du tabagisme chez les jeunes adultes et par l'exposition à la fumée de tabac des fumeurs et des non-fumeurs. À cette fin, le Collège s'engage à créer un environnement sans fumée sur l'ensemble de son campus et pendant les activités scolaires qui se déroulent à l'extérieur du campus.
  • In compliance with the Charter of the French Language, this policy defines the College commitments regrading to teaching of French and the use of French in official written communications.  It also establishes an admissions policy that prioritizes certificate holders (those who are eligible for English-language education who have obtained a certificate of eligibility) if the number of applicants exceeds the number of places in a given program.
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    Conformément à la Charte de la langue française, cette politique définit les engagements du Collège en ce qui a trait à l'enseignement du français et à l'utilisation du français dans les communications écrites officielles.  Elle établit également une politique d’admission qui donne la priorité aux titulaires d’une déclaration d’admissibilité à l’enseignement en anglais si le nombre de candidats et de candidates dépasse le nombre de places dans un programme donné.
  • In accordance with the Act to prevent and fight sexual violence in higher education institutions, this policy sets out the principles and commitments of the College to prevent and fight sexual violence. Revised February 2024.
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    Conformément à la Loi visant à prévenir et à combattre les violences à caractère sexuel dans les établissements d’enseignement supérieur, cette politique énonce les principes et les engagements du Collège pour prévenir et combattre la violence à caractère sexuel. Révisé en septembre 2022.
  • The goal of the sustainability policy is to provide a framework in which the College strives to continuously improve its sustainability-related performance in academic activities and initiatives, engagement, operations, and planning and administration.
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    L’objectif de la politique de développement durable est de fournir un cadre dans lequel le Collège s’efforce d’améliorer continuellement ses performances en matière de développement durable dans les activités et initiatives académiques, l’engagement, les opérations, la planification et l’administration.

Facilities Management

  • This policy establishes the principles and conditions to encourage the use of electric light vehicles and existing charging infrastructure on campus.
  • This policy establishes the principles and conditions to ensure that all Dawson students have equitable access to course materials, and that the provision of course materials respects all copyright and procurement laws and regulations


  • This policy defines the process by which the external auditor is selected and reviewed every year.
  • Board members and employees incurring expenses on authorized College business are entitled to have all such reasonable expenses reimbursed to them and to receive a limited advance towards such expenses.
  • This document complements the College By-Laws by specifying the cost of purchase or rental of goods and of services not covered by Article 24.5 of the Act. It also specifies the penalties that students must pay when they fail to comply with College deadlines. The sale of goods and services through the College Bookstore is not included in this document.
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    Ce document complète les Règlements du Collège en précisant les coûts d’achat ou de location de biens et de services non couverts par l’article 24.5 de la Loi. Il précise également les pénalités que la population étudiante doit payer lorsque les échéances du Collège ne sont pas respectées. La vente de biens et de services par l’entremise de la librairie du Collège n’est pas incluse dans ce document.

Human Resources

  • The performance evaluation process is designed to be formative, provide feedback to managers on their accomplishments and help them achieve their potential.
  • Guidelines and templates for the evaluation of managers
  • The performance evaluation process is designed to be formative, provide feedback to professionals on their accomplishments and help them achieve their potential.
  • The performance evaluation process is designed to be formative, provide feedback to support staff on their accomplishments and help them achieve their potential.
  • The general objectives of this policy are to influence attitudes, behaviours, approaches and styles of personal interaction between individuals and groups in order to enhance the contributions of all employees to the College’s Mission; and to  clarify how the management of human resources helps maintain a high quality of services provided by the College.
  • Defines local working conditions of managers
  • ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ recognizes that all its employees and students are entitled to a respectful and harmonious work and/or study environment free from violence, discrimination, all forms of harassment, and the abuse of power, where respect of the individual’s dignity, physical and psychological integrity are safeguarded. To this end, ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ will take all reasonable measures to prevent incidents of violence, discrimination, harassment and the abuse of power, and, when informed of such incidents whether informally or formally in writing, will intervene to address them.
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    Le Collège Dawson reconnaît que l’ensemble de son personnel et de sa communauté étudiante a droit à un environnement de travail et d’étude respectueux et harmonieux, exempt de violence, de discrimination et de toute forme de harcèlement et d’abus de pouvoir, où le respect de la dignité et de l’intégrité physique et psychologique de l’individu est assuré. À cette fin, le Collège Dawson prend toutes les mesures raisonnables pour prévenir les incidents de violence, de discrimination, de harcèlement et d’abus de pouvoir et, lorsqu’il est informé de tels incidents, que ce soit de manière informelle ou formelle par écrit, intervient pour y remédier.

  • The College is committed to the well-being of its employees by providing them with working conditions that promote a healthy balance between work, personal, and family obligations by offering an alternative to traditional in-person work arrangements. The College also prides itself on providing high-quality services to community members and the general public.

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    Le Collège s’engage à assurer le bien-être de son personnel en lui offrant des conditions de travail qui favorisent un équilibre sain entre les obligations professionnelles, personnelles et familiales en proposant une solution de rechange aux modalités traditionnelles de travail en personne. Le Collège est également fier de fournir des services de haute qualité aux membres de la communauté et du grand public.

Information Systems and Technology

  • This policy applies to employees with privileged access to accounts, systems, or information within systems, as well those who implement, deploy or manage systems.
  • The goal of this policy is to ensure timely restoration of information in the event of accidental deletion, corruption, system failure, or disaster.
  • This policy defines the protocol to report, assess, resolve and follow-up IT incidents
  • This document outlines your responsibilities, as an employee and user of IT resources, regarding IT security. It complements and gives concrete examples but does not replace existing policies and legislation.
  • The goal of this policy is to ensure that the College’s IT resources are used to support Dawson’s Mission and to define the standard of conduct expected from users.
  • All employees, students, and other users of the College’s IT resources are responsible for taking the appropriate steps, as outlined in the document ablove, to select and secure their password(s).

Instructional Development

  • Dawson teachers will be evaluated periodically by the Teacher Evaluation Office in accordance with Bylaw Number 4.


  • This policy concerning College Admission is established in accordance with the College Education Regulations (CQLR, chapter C-29, r. 4).

    ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ is fully committed to the Quebec public colleges’ mission to facilitate accessibility to College education for all students abiding by the articles of the following policy.
  • CRC Score Calculation Policy
  • Students at ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ are expected to take all their courses at the College. This policy recognizes exceptional circumstances under which it might be necessary for students to take a course elsewhere. A commandite is an official document that allows students to take a course in another educational institution.


  • This policy defines the integrity framework for research and scholarship at ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ, and describes the education, guidance and support it provides to members of the college community. The College expects all those involved in, or associated with the research enterprise to adhere to accepted standards of integrity in their research activities. This policy endorses the standards of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Integrity in Research and Scholarship (1994, hereafter TCPS-IRS), in conjunction with the collective agreements of unionized personnel of the College.
  • This College policy abides by the Tri-Council Policy Statement and expresses Dawson’s commitment to adhere to recognized standards for the ethical conduct and institutional oversight of all research involving humans
  • The Scholars in Residence Program offers support to retired researchers by granting access to services that would otherwise be terminated upon their retirement.

Student Services

  • The object of this policy is to delineate the roles, responsibilities, sphere of activity, reporting structure and process for nomination of the ombudspersons of ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ.

Last Modified: June 18, 2024