Model UN: NAMUN conference & the CANIMUN conference
February 23rd - 26th, 2017One of the most significant academic enrichments for students at secondary and post-secondary education institutions in the world today is participation in Model United Nations organizations, activities and competitions. Participation brings students together from around Canada, North America and the world as representatives of assigned countries to local, national and international competitions. Among other things, they experience the role and reality of the United Nations, its goals, its structures, and its methods of functioning through active intervention in debates, writing resolutions and negotiating with students representing other countries. By competing, students acquire valuable experience and skills as well as raising the profiles of their schools both locally and internationally.
ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ Model United Nations  will be competing in the NAMUN conference and the CANIMUN conference in February  2017. The first is one of the largest Model United Nations events in Canada. The second is a high level conference in Ottawa run by the United Nations Association in Canada where students will meet and engage with, among others, members of the diplomatic service. We want to repeat the success of ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ students in the last few years by attending, competing and winning awards at these conferences.