Report: The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) pandemic research report, “But at what cost?”

Notable findings

  • 97% of participants stated they experienced increased physical, mental, and emotional workload, and job demands during the 2020-2021 school year.
  • The deteriorating mental health of Canadian public-school teachers has been caused in part by increased workload, uncertainty, and inadequate support from school, boards/districts, and Ministry leadership.
  • Teachers are being pulled in multiple directions and are, due to both the mounting demands and growing digital connectivity, increasingly always “on”.
  • Teachers are collectively experiencing an omnipresent sense of emergency, uncertainty and crisis, which has reached a point of unsustainability.
  • Education workers are putting their students’ needs and concerns above their own, with 81% of interview participants citing student success as their top concern.

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Last Modified: February 4, 2022