TEF – Test d’évaluation de français: Language Proficiency Testing

We are a recognized TEF Testing Center partnered with CCI Paris Ile-De-France.
For information about the purpose and structure of TEF tests, follow these links:
The test center is not authorized to provide guidance for the number of evaluations you must complete, as these requirements vary between candidates. It is the candidate’s responsibility to select all necessary evaluations pertinent to your situation.
Overview of information on this page
- Tests
- Preparation Resource
- Schedule
- Registration Steps
- Registration information & conditions
- Cancellation & refund policy
- Attestation & test results
- Accessibility needs
1. TEF Canada **
Canada immigration application4 parts required:
- Oral comprehension
- Written comprehension
- Oral expression
- Written expression
Canada citizenship application2 parts required:
- Oral comprehension
- Oral expression
2. TEF Québec (TEFAQ)
4 parts:
- Oral comprehension (mandatory test)
- Oral expression (mandatory test)
- Written comprehension (optional test)
- Written expression (optional test)
3. TEF
5 parts:
- Oral comprehension
- Written comprehension
- Oral expression
- Written expression
- Vocabulary and Structure
3. TEF IRN **
if you need to take the TEF IRN, contact TEF@dawsoncollege.qc.ca directly
4 parts:
- Oral comprehension
- Written comprehension
- Oral expression
- Written expression
**These TEF tests must be taken during the same session.
Preparation Resource
Need extra help preparing for a TEF test? Check out ourPreparation Courses!
Upcoming tests at Dawson: April 11, 2025; May 16, 2025
The full schedule of tests at the ŰŮ Testing Center is available in the CCI portal:
Registration Steps
Note: registration fees arenon-refundable.
PART 1: Pre-Registration
- Select your location (Montreal), session dates and type of test
- Select ŰŮ
- Navigate through the steps to complete a “demande d’inscription à une session”
- You will need to select the following:
- date & time,
- competencies,
- input your coordinates,
- review
- confirm
- You will need to select the following:
- Within 48 hours of submitting your request for registration (demande d’inscription à une session), you will receive an email with instructions for Part 2: PAYMENT from TEF@dawsoncollge.qc.ca.
PART 2: Payment
- Create a personal file
- Select a test group according to the desired date
- Add test to cart
- Repeat for each test
- Payment by credit card upon registration
The 2 registration steps must be completed 10 days before the test date. Please note that a minimum number of candidates per session is required for the test to take place. ŰŮ reserves the right to postpone a TEF testing date due to lack of participants.
Registration Information & Conditions
After registration is closed, we will first validate all registrations and then create the test schedule. Since not all candidates register for the same combination of tests, we create a specific schedule for each candidate. All test events must take place between 9:00 am and 5:30 pm. Each candidate’s test schedule will be communicated to them prior to the test date and cannot be changed. *Our test centres do not offer immigration advice, nor do they advise on which parts of the test you should take, please review requirements with the CCIP, MICC or IRCC as appropriate.
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Registration fees arenon-refundable.
In the case of an illness, supply a medical note toTEF@dawsoncollege.qc.ca
Attestation & Test Results
Results are valid for two years. Please note that certificates of results are now sent by e-mail to the candidate. It may take between 3 and 4 weeks to receive the results. We have no control over the speed of correction as this is managed by CCI Paris Ile-De-France. For information on how to understand your results:
Accessibility Needs
Candidates with special needs mustprovide a certificate to the exam centre:the certificate must be filled outby a medical doctor (MD) and has to indicate the type of disability.
If the disability allows the candidate to sit for the test, the MD must indicatewhich accommodations should be provided to the candidate(Braille version, Extended Test Time, Assistance, etc). Le français des affaires will send the testing centre all the necessary material to put in place those accommodations.
To accommodate the test takers’ needs, the accessibility request must be submitted toTEF@dawsoncollege.qc.cawith supporting documentationone monthbefore the anticipated exam date.