Fall 2025 Registration Fees – Continuing Education
Registration Payment
- All fees are due in full upon registration.
- Students who do not pay their course fees may have their course registration cancelled and will remain liable for the non-refundable fees.
- Late payment fees of $25 will be applied to overdue accounts.
Methods of Payment
Payment can be made:
- By MasterCard or Visa through the Payment Center in your MyDawson portal.
- By bank site online at all major banks in Canada. Please allow 3 working days for processing when making payment at an authorized banking institution in Canada.
- In person at the Student Fees Counter located in room 4B.5 (by cash, debit and credit card).
- By dropping your cheque, money order, MasterCard or Visa payment in the Fees Drop Box located across from room 4B.5. Please do not leave cash.
- By mail (cheque, money order, MasterCard or Visa).
In addition to fees below, all applicants to Continuing Education will be charged a non-refundable application fee of $30.00.
Refund deadline | Fee |
Registration Fee | Non-Refundable | $20.00 |
Mandatory Instructional Services Fees | August 25 (2) | $25.00 |
Student Services Fee | August 25 (2) | $118.00 |
Dawson Student Union Fee | Non-Refundable | $25.00 |
Course In Program Hourly Fee |
Sept 19 (2) | No charge |
Course Outside of Program Hourly Fee |
August 25 (2) | $2.00/hr |
Convocation Fee (when applicable) |
Sept 19 (3) | $20.00 (See below) |
Canadian Non-Quebec Resident Student Fees | Sept 19 (3) | $1,870.00 (See below) |
International Student Fees | Sept 19 (3) | (See below) |
Voluntary donation to the Dawson Foundation | August 25 (2) | $10.00 |
DSU Student Dental Insurance Premium | August 25 (2) (4) | $27.00 |
DSU Student Health Insurance Premium | August 23 (2) (4) | $34.00 |
PART-TIME STUDENT (1)Ìý | Refund deadline | Fee |
Registration Fee | Non-Refundable | $5.00/course Max. $20.00 |
Mandatory Instructional Services Fees | Aug 25(2) | $6.00/course Max. $25.00 |
Student Services Fee | Aug 25 (2) | $29.50/course Max. $118.00 |
Dawson Student Union Fee | Non-Refundable | $12.50 |
Course In Program Hourly Fee |
Sept 19 (3) | $2.00/hr |
Course Outside of Program Hourly Fee |
Aug 25 (2) | $2.00/hr |
Convocation Fee (when applicable) |
Sept 19 (3) | $20.00 (See below) |
Canadian Non-Quebec Resident Student Fees | Sept 19 (3) | $7.13/hr (See below) |
International Student Fees | Sept 19 (3) | (See below) |
Voluntary donation to the Dawson Foundation | August 25 (2) | $10.00 |
DSU Student Dental Insurance Premium | August 25 (2) (4) | $27.00 |
DSU Student Health Insurance Premium | August 25 (2) (4) | $34.00 |
(1) Exemption for hourly course fees applies only to: (a) full time students in a program taking courses in their program; (b) students qualified for the status of Fin de D.E.C. / A.E.C; (c) students with major functional disabilities. All students registering for Independent Studies (08072)Â are charged hourly course fees, regardless of the number of courses they are following.
(2) Only if a student officially withdraws from courses by Monday, August 25, 2025.
(3) Only if a student officially withdraws from courses by Friday, September 19, 2025.
(4) For further information please contact the Studentcare and
Examples of Prices per Course for Part-Time or Independent Studies
Note that these examples do not include the Non-Quebec Resident fee, the International Student fee nor the $30 Application fee. See the table above if these fees apply to you.
- 30 hour course:Â $113.00 per course
- 45 hour course:Â $143.00 per course
- 60 hour course:Â $173.00 per course
- 75 hour course:Â $203.00 per course
- 90 hour course:Â $233.00 per course
Application Fee
Students seeking admission to a program or following credit courses for the first time at ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ, shall be charged a $30.00 non-refundable application fee.
Course Change Fee (non-refundable)
An additional fee of $20.00 is payable for each course change including section change and is due immediately upon the course change. This fee does not apply to course changes required under academic regulations.
International Document Analysis Fee
Program applicants presenting academic credentials from foreign jurisdictions will be required to pay an additional non-refundable fee of $50.00 for the analysis of their files.
Hourly Fee
Students who register part-time (fewer than 180 hours or 4 courses in their program) must pay $2.00 per course hour upon registration. All students registering for Independent Studies (08702) are charged hourly course fees, regardless of the number of courses they are following.
Late Attendance Validation Fee
A fee of $25 will be applied to students who do not validate their attendance by the Attendance Validation deadline.
See below for fees applicable to Canadians residing outside Quebec and to International students.
Fees for Students Residing Outside Quebec
Canadian Students
Canadian citizens and landed immigrants who register in out-of-program courses or part-time in a program, and who are not Quebec residents, pay an additional amount of $7.13Â per course hour for part-time studies. The fee is in addition to all other applicable fees including other hourly course fees.
Full-time students in a program pay an amount of $1,870.00* per semester. This amount is in addition to other applicable fees (excluding hourly course fee).
International Students
International students who register in Independent Studies or part-time in a program pay an additional amount of $33.76 to $53.45* per course hour depending on their program/course. The International Student fee is in addition to all other applicable fees including hourly course fees and other fees listed.
Full-time students in a program pay an amount of $7,354 to $11,398* per semester depending on their program. This amount is in addition to other applicable fees (excluding hourly course fee). For detailed information, see International Student Fees
International students in Continuing Education must have a visa valid until the end of December 2025 for the institution they are attending.
*Refundable if a student officially withdraws from his/her course(s) by  September 19, 2025 Rates are preliminary and are subject to finalization by the Ministère de l’Éducation et Enseignement supérieur du Québec.
Commandite Students
Please see the Commandite Students Fees page
Convocation Fee
All potential graduates will be assessed a $20 convocation fee once per diploma or attestation.
Assessment of Fees
The fees are determined by Government Laws and Regulations and College Bylaws and are subject to change without prior notice. Up-to-date information on fees is available from the Administrative Services Department (Room 4B.5) during regular business hours or from the College Student Fees Web page.
Refunds are not automatically issued. Students may claim the refunds on their account. Refunds $500 and above will be issued by cheque. There are no cash refunds. Requests for refunds must be made by e-mailing studentfees@dawsoncollege.qc.ca
Tax Receipts
For tax compliant receipts, please ensure that you have added your S.I.N. to your account prior to printing your tax receipts. Tax receipts for 2025 will be available by February 27, 2026 via the MyDawson portal at: