Feeling stuck and/or uncertain about your future?
A career counsellor can help! It is fairly common to have uncertainties and questions around the future. In fact, most CEGEP students are not certain about what their educational/professional future looks like.
A career counsellor is someone who:
- You can talk to about your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and concerns about your future and they will help you make sense of these thoughts and feelings.
- Can help you identify the factors that influence your career development and assess your interests, values, abilities, motivations, etc.
- Can provide career resources.
- Can help you develop a plan to achieve your goal(s).
Is the CRC the right department for you?
- Check out this diagram to see what we offer and do not offer: Career Resource Centre
- Unsure of the differences between the Career Resource Centre vs. Academic Advising vs. Student Employment. Check out this resource for more information: CRC,AA, and SE Cheat Sheet
- For all student employment inquiries, please reach out to Student Employment