Academic Integrity at ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ
Academic Integrity Policy
ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ is an institution committed to academic integrity. To act with academic integrity is to act honestly and truthfully in the preparation of one’s work and not to represent the work of others as one’s own. Therefore, it is expected that students, faculty, staff and administrators will act with integrity as they engage in and/or support teaching, learning and research.

“To act with academic integrity is to act honestly and truthfully in the preparation of one’s work and not to represent the work of others as one’s own.”
“The College takes pride in the quality of its graduates … and strives to provide fair and meaningful learning environments.”
– Dawson Academic Integrity Policy
The College community takes pride in the quality of its graduates and strives to ensure that attestations and diplomas from ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ continue to be held in high esteem in higher education, in all aspects of employment, and in society. It falls to the administration, staff, faculty, and students of the College to create an environment which encourages adherence to the principles of academic integrity. The College has an institutional role to play in certifying student work, via appropriate assessment mechanisms, as satisfactory upon graduation. The College is responsible for ensuring that a student’s work is considered and assessed in a context where academic integrity is both an expectation and a requirement. In this regard, ÕÅ°ÙÇÇÅ®ÓÑÂãÕÕ strives to provide fair and meaningful learning environments where assessments reflect achievement consistent with course and program objectives and where any student accused of misconduct will have access to due process with an emphasis on corrective measures wherever possible. All members of the College community have responsibility for the maintenance of an atmosphere of academic integrity in all phases of academic life, including research, teaching, learning and administration. Moreover faculty, students and staff will be supported in their efforts to ensure that high standards of academic integrity are upheld. This policy promotes academic integrity as an abiding value for the entire Dawson community.
Questions about academic integrity? Read our FAQ section.
Selfies: Living Academic Integrity
Discover what students, faculty & staff have to say about Academic Integrity at Dawson.